The benefit to having a Power Backup System in your home overseas is that you can continue working on your computer or laptop for a short time even during a neighborhood power outage. The way the Power Backup works is quite simple: Connect the Power Backup to your wall outlet and leave it there to charge. Then, when a power outage happens in your neighborhood, just plug in your computer or laptop or tv and cable box into the Power Backup and you'll get power for a short amount of time (usually anywhere between 15-45 minutes, depending upon how much power your appliance or electronic takes from it). It's important to note that these Power Backup Systems are not Converters or Voltage Stabilizers; Power Backup Systems do not converter voltage and are only able to be used in foreign 220/240 Voltage countries overseas. So please keep in mind that these items will not operate in the USA.

Products 1-2 of 2
Simran 220 Volt UPS500 Power Backup System 220v 240v Volt 50hz UPS For Export
Price: $119.99
Availability: In Stock
Simran Item #: UPS-500DP -
  • Additional $5 Off

300 Watt 220 V - 240 VOLT 50HZ UPS POWER BACKUP SYSTEM FOR EXPORT ONLY (NOT FOR USE IN THE USA/CANADA) Always have a steady stream of power handy with this constant power backup system. This machine allows you to have power even when there is a blackout in your home. Great for computers and laptops. Also good for many other small household items like charging emergency lanterns and charging cell phones or the home phone to make calls. Just charge it for 8 hours (usually once a month...

Seven Star UPS-650VP 220 Volt Power Backup System For Export 220V-240V 50HZ
Price: $149.99
Availability: In Stock
Seven Star Item #: UPS650 -
  • Additional $5 Off

Seven Star UPS-650VP 390 WATT POWER BACKUP SYSTEM FOR 220 VOLT 50HZ  Always have a steady stream of power handy with this constant power backup system. This machine allows you to have power even when there is a blackout in your home. Great for computers and laptops. Plus the LCD Display is easy to read. Also good for many other small household items like charging emergency lanterns and charging cell phones or the home phone to make calls. Just charge it for 8 hours (usually once a...